Thursday, July 5, 2012

Isla 9 Months

I think one of my most favorite photography packages for infants is my Milestone Package which captures babies at birth and then every three months until their first year (where we smash CAKE! Yessss!) The reason it's my favorite is that the babies make such obvious changes in those 3 months and, being a bit of a baby fanatic, I enjoy seeing and capturing those changes :) I should probably look back through my blog posts because I feel like I may have mentioned this before! This was Isla's 4th session with me and it was lots of fun. We got to play outside; something we missed out on through the winter and I got to capture MOBILE Isla. She is definitely fully crawling, on the verge of walking, and makes the cutest pre-talking noises. Plus she's adorable and sweet natured (she rocked this session even though she was super tired) it just doesn't get much better :)

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